Monday, May 5, 2008

Shopping like a serial killer...

Wow, same day, first post, I know, shocking... But I just came home from doing a spot of shopping and noticed something, when going over the items I bought in the Fonthil Retail Park.

Let your mind play around, here is a list of what I bought:
  • A role of Black isolation tape
  • 5 amp copper wire electric connector
  • 1.5 m extra heavy duty rubber isolated cable
  • Cream Cleaner for tiles and other surfaces
  • Black extra strength plastic bin bags, XXL size
  • A wooden roling pin
Can you guess my weekend project yet? Well, I also picked up some woodchippings and guinea pig food (you have to get rid of the body somewhere)... not to mention an energy drink and low fat extra smooth bread spread (together with the roling pin I am getting a pretty bad mental picture here...)

Well, they also had a hacksaw on offer in Homebase, but I somehow felt that I wouldnt make it home without a police escort if I went for that.

The girl at the first till, where I bought the roling pin and the cream cleaner actually asked me if I was going to do a spot of baking... "Yeah... thats it...'m going to bake some cake... hence the cream cleaner... I am a messy baker...".

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